Week of Events
July 4th: Kids’ Pancake Breakfast
July 4th: Kids’ Pancake Breakfast
Start off the July 4th festivities with the annual Kid's Pancake Breakfast hosted by the Leadley and Moschos families.
July 4th: Welcome & Parade
July 4th: Welcome & Parade
Join the Laurans Family as they host the July 4th Opening Ceremony and Parade.
July 4th: Ice Cream Social
July 4th: Ice Cream Social
Right after the Parade, the Roosevelt Families continue the ice cream social tradition.
July 4th: Swatfest
July 4th: Swatfest
Dust off your golf clubs and best classic costume as Swatfest 2024 is back. The competition for the legendary powder blue jacket is heating up and could it be your year to take home the coveted jacket?! This year a new tradition starts as the best classic costume winners will also sport some special finery at the cocktail party! Paul Chamberlain, Swatfest's Fearless MC, is collecting RSVPs at [email protected]. Please send Paul your two-person teams in advance.
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July 4th: Pier Beach Cookout
July 4th: Pier Beach Cookout
Ace will have the bbq grills hot and all welcome at the July 4th BBQ. Pack your picnic baskets and see you at Pier Beach.
SPIA July Cocktail Party
SPIA July Cocktail Party
SPIA Community July Cocktails. Bring your favorite hors d'oeuvre to share and award will be presented for best hors d'oeuvre!